Privacy Policy

DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO ART. 13 Law. 30.06.2003 No. 196 - Code regarding the protection of personal data

We inform you, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, that the personal data supplied by you or otherwise acquired may be subject to treatment, in compliance with the above regulations, according to the following modes:

 Data Content

We inform you that the personal data provided to us are as follows: business name or name, legal form, address, zip code, municipality, province, telephone, fax, registered office, VAT number, social security number.

Purpose of treatment

The personal data will be processed in order to:

  • fulfill the obligations arising from the contract to be concluded;
  • fulfill legal obligations regarding civil, fiscal and accounting
  • Identify customer needs, including those qualitative;
  • Determine the trust, also for the purpose of entering into the credit insurance policy;
  • Send promotional materials;
  • Drawing up budgets and statistics;
  • Marketing and references.


Mandatory or optional nature of the conferment

The provision of personal data relating to the treatment in question is binding to the extent necessary and limited to the achievement of the purposes indicated in preceding point 1). For the purposes referred to in the previous point 2) the contribution is instead entirely optional.

Consequences of a refusal

Any refusal to provide mandatory data will prevent us to carry out our obligations under the law and the contract. We will be, however, deprived of the opportunity to know the most of your facility and to optimally satisfy your needs.

 Data processing mode

In relation to the stated purposes, the data will be processed in compliance with the security and confidentiality required by law. The data are collected typically from us, or from third parties from the latter largely in public registers or other acts and documents known to all.

 Data Disclosure

During processing, personal data may also be disclosed to third parties:

Public Administrations, to perform official duties, within the limits established by law and regulations;

the company responsible for debt collection;

insurance companies, to the end of the premium payment on the credit insurance policy;

the accountant, to keep the accounts;

for exercising the profession of lawyer, the legal assistance in case of disputes concerning the execution of the contract;

consultancies / agencies that work for the company in the various sectors;

external carriers, to delivery of the goods or correspondence;

Subjects who perform the activities of representation (agents, representatives);

to subsidiaries and associated companies that perform services on hardware and software that handle personal data only for the consultation and the time required by unique technical needs;

to subsidiaries and associated companies located within the territory of the state;

to subsidiaries and associated companies in the European Union:

to subsidiaries and associated companies nell'ExtraUe:

to the External Auditors, certification of financial statements, auditors.

Head and representatives who may be aware of the data may be aware of the data manager and in charge of data processing.

 Data Dissemination Scope

Personal data relating to the treatment in question will not be disclosed.

Transfer of data abroad

Personal data relating to the treatment in question will not be transferred abroad.

 Rights of interested body

Article. 7 of the Code recognizes you rights, among which include:

the right to know the existence of data that concerns you or oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment;


the right to oppose the processing of personal data for the purposes of commercial information or sending advertising materials or direct selling, or for carrying out market research or interactive commercial communication;

the right to obtain the cancellation or the block, or the updating, correction or integration of the data, as well as evidence that such operations have been brought to the knowledge of those to whom the data were communicated.

Data Controller

The data controller is GIRANI S.R.L PIVA 02047110131 with headquarters in Via Olmeda, 5/A - 22070 Capiago Intimiano (CO), Italy


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